Chlorine is naturally occurring is found in the mineral form of sodium chloride (common salt) and other salts.
A strong oxidizing agent, chlorine (Cl 2), is an ideal disinfectant. Proper residual chlorine levels in drinking water ensure that water is safe for human consumption, but too much chlorine in water can have detrimental effects. It is one of the best and cheap water disinfectant solution compare to Ultraviolet and ozonisation options also maintain slow decay rate thereby enabling hygiene for longer period.
Chlorination is the water treatment disinfection process which uses dissolving chlorine gas in water. It is used for taste and odor control, prevention of algal growths and epidemics of water borne disease, maintaining clear filter media, removal of iron and manganese, destruction of hydrogen sulfide, cyanide and improving coagulation.
Residual chlorine must be continuously monitored to prevent both under- and over-chlorination and factors including pH, temperature and fouling must be considered as these also affect the disinfectant strength of residual chlorine
Methods for measuring chlorine can be specific for free chlorine (hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite) or combined chlorine (chloramines and chloro-organics).

Summary of Methods of Chlorine Detection

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